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Publishing Tools

This site hosts a collection of utility tools for the publishing team at Arcadia Science.

Twitter Collections

This is a simple utility tool that renders Twitter collections to be embedded in any iframe.

It's built to make this process easier on PubPub. Previously, we'd be able to embed the collection URL directly, but Twitter decided to deprecate these on January 13th, 2023.

The URLs for iframe embeds follow this structure: /twitter/COLLECTION_ID.

Here is an example URL: /twitter/1598476049851248640

Typeform Wrapper

This is a simple utility tool built to provide the HTML needed to embed Typeform forms in any iframe.

It's built to make this process easier on PubPub, as Typeform's default embed behavior does not work on PubPub.

Previously, we'd do this manually and host the resulting HTML on S3. That was getting a little tedious.

The URLs for iframe embeds follow this structure: /typeform/ID?pub_name=PUB_NAME.

Here is an example URL: /typeform/CQkxyl3x?pub_name=demo